Arcane intelligence


We are RPG Nerds producing Nerdy RPG things
to make your role playing games more enjoyable.


D&D OGL Statement

January 13, 2023
by meistermike

We here at Arcane Intelligence treasure the fun and inclusiveness of our hobby and the games that have made it, including D&D.  We do not begrudge those entities that make these fine products their rights to make a profit, however, we do take offense to the means by which WotC and it's associated entities have attempted to impose them upon our community.

It is our great hope that the staff of Wotc and its associated entities stand up against this behavior and bring the spirit of our great community back into the heart of this issue.

We stand in solidary with our RPG community and the content creators who make it great, in support of a better and more fun tomorrow.

#RaiseTheFlag | #OpenDnD | #ttrpg

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